We are running 1-2-1
and group cycling lessons
here in Gillingham Kent
When a beginner comes to a lesson they normally start on a balance bike or a adapted bike
In most cases we can provide the bike, so you you only need to bring any safety gear (like helmets etc.)
Once the child/adult learn to balance I then introduce them to a bike with pedals and help them to cycle with guidance and support from myself to ensure safety.
Sometimes the children/adults learn in their first lesson sometimes it takes longer.
In the advanced sessions for children /adults WE teach Bikeability skills , formally known as ("cycle proficiency") they learn how to approach junctions, roundabouts, traffic lights, zebra crossings, and how to position themselves on the road when cycling , amongst other skills they need to know when cycling on the road safely.
All of this is held safely on the road with traffic
See children learning
to ride with us